Monday, April 20, 2009


Spiderman series:

Spider-Man follows the adventures of Peter Parker, more commonly known as Spider-Man. He gained these powers by being bitten by a spider whose DNA was altered by neogenics. Peter, first, decided to use these new found powers to benefit himself, instead of helping others, though on one fateful night when he refused to stop a criminal who had just robbed the fight promoter’s office, he lived to regret it. The robber went on to break into Peter’s house. Peter’s Uncle Ben was awoken by the noise, so he got up to see what had happened and startled the robber, who fatally shot Uncle Ben. Peter found out what happened to Uncle Ben, and became determined to catch the murderer as Spider-Man. He caught him in a warehouse, where he learned that it was the robber whom he refused to stop. Spider-Man now lives by the words of his Uncle Ben, “With great power – there must also come great responsibility”, and lives to fight for justice, though even with his constant efforts to do good in the city, he’s constantly labeled as a criminal by the Daily Bugle, in which the editor, J. Jonah Jameson, is determined to expose Spider-Man as a criminal himself.

Includes all 5 seasons, total of 65 episodes.

Batman animated series

Batman animated series:

In 1992, the birth of Warner Bros. "Batman: The Animated Series" changed the Batman Universe forever. The dynamic series spawned a new technique in animation using black backgrounds that would eventually be dubbed "Dark Deco." Dark Deco gave every scene within Gotham an extraordinary look, redefining the image of the city. The series also revamped the classic characters, casting a unique perspective on their origins and personalities. The series included all the popular characters and even created some new ones. The most significant change was the transformation of the Dick Grayson/Robin character in the "new" 90's costume, resulting in a hipper more adult representation which the character has never seen. The Batman character continued to embody the dark image fans have come to love while maintaining the heroic qualities identified with the character.

Another significant change was the transformation of the Rogues Gallery of Villains. From the ever-popular Joker to the more obscure Clock King, the series displayed each villain's unique personality to perfection and introduced new characters, including the popular Ms. Harley Quinn. Although she wasn't born into the Batman universe until the seventh episode of the series, Harley quickly overshadowed such long time favorites as Catwoman and Poison Ivy. Thanks to Batman: TAS, Harley Quinn will be a staple in the Batman genre forever.

In Fall 1995, the final five episodes aired (85 total episodes were produced) and the curtain closed on Batman: The Animated Series.
Total episodes 109

Recess(all seasons)


Animated series revolving around life on the playground during school recess where kids maneuver for the best position according to an unwritten but understood pecking order. Survival depends upon your friends, in this case it's a group of fourth-graders named P.J., Vince, Spinelli, Mikey, Gretchen and Gus. Together they navigate the school yard under the watchful eye of Miss Finster and Principal Prickley.

included all six seasons

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Adventures of TINTIN:

The Adventures of Tintin is an animated television series based on The Adventures of Tintin, a series of books by Hergé. It debuted in 1991, and 39 half-hour episodes were produced over the course of three seasons. It is the most well known adaptation of the books.

Season 1
The Crab with the Golden Claws Part 1
The Crab with the Golden Claws Part 2
The Secret of the Unicorn Part 1
The Secret of the Unicorn Part 2
Red Rackham's Treasure
Cigars of the Pharaoh Part 1
Cigars of the Pharoah Part 2
The Blue Lotus Part 1
The Blue Lotus Part 2
The Black Island Part 1
The Black Island Part 2
The Calculus Affair Part 1
The Calculus Affair Part 2

Season 2
The Shooting Star
The Broken Ear Part 1
The Broken Ear Part 2
King Ottokar's Sceptre Part 1
King Ottokar's Sceptre Part 2
Tintin in Tibet Part 1
Tintin in Tibet Part 2
Tintin and the Picaros Part 1
Tintin and the Picaros Part 2
Land of Black Gold Part 1
Land of Black Gold Part 2
Flight 714 Part 1
Flight 714 Part 2

Season 3
The Red Sea Sharks Part 1
The Red Sea Sharks Part 2
The Seven Crystal Balls Part 1
The Seven Crystal Balls Part 2
Prisoners of the Sun Part 1
Prisoners of the Sun Part 2
The Castafiore Emerald Part 1
The Castafiore Emerald Part 2
Destination Moon Part 1
Destination Moon Part 2
Explorers on the Moon Part 1
Explorers on the Moon Part 2
Tintin in America

All The Tintin Episodes Are Ripped In The Following Format:

Lame MP3
25 FPS
Data Rate 192
Video Sample Size 24 Bit

Dvd Extras:
All 24 comics are included in pdf format.